Category Archives: Achieving Financial Independance

The FIDERMAN’s thoughts on Financial Independance

Spiderman and the fantastic 4

How much YOU need to retire: The 4% rule (Part 1).

“Are we there yet?”

I think everyone has uttered these words as a child. Sometimes in anticipation when off to the movies, but generally as an unwilling passenger on the long trip to “that” relative. You know, the one! They have no other kids, a house full of “do not touch” objects and a

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Is COVID19 a FIRE extinguisher?

Whenever you pose a big question in a blog post title, you have two options. Tease the reader with snippets of pros and cons and force them to read the whole article. Or be upfront and hope they are engaged in your journey and want to read on. I am going for the latter!

In my humble opinion COVID19 is NOT a FIRE extinguisher. In fact, for some people it may yet be (and should be!) a FIRE-starter. Either way, there are lessons to be learned. Continue reading


The best strategy to achieve Financial Independence (FI)

The answer my friend is…

Not blowing in the wind, but in this BLOG POST!!!

That is right, I do believe I have the answer to all (well most) of your questions on how to achieve the financial independence (FI) part of FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early).  Like I said, in my first post, I have great power! Continue reading

Welcome to my FIRE Blog!

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No – It’s FIDERMAN!

So, how do you to start a blog? And I don’t mean in terms of the physical steps (even in an on-line world as I obviously mastered those!), but in terms of what you write – particularly for post #1/ the main page!. Trying to answer that question stopped me starting for months until I listened to this great interview by ChooseFI with James Clear on Atomic Habits.

So, without further ado, welcome to the adventures of “Financial Independence, Discretionary Early Retirement man” aka FIDERman. Continue reading